Sunday, May 1, 2011

Keeping Favorites

Remember when your favorites were actually people and things? Now they are websites! i have been saving most of mine on Just the other day, I got an email from Yahoo (imagine that!) telling me that Delicious is going away. I tried to move my favorites from Delicious to Evernote (a different kind of online storage) but after following multiple steps, I failed to move them over. I gave up for a little while but the email from Yahoo was nagging at me from the back of my brain. So, I tried again. This time, something caught my eye. There was a link that said to use Google Bookmarks! Google to the rescue! (once again!!!) I click the link and VOILA, there they were! Of course, later, when I went to find them again, I couldn't. You see, Google has Bookmarks, which you can add to a list of favorites by clicking on a star in Google Chrome and then there are Bookmarks that are part of a social network of favorites, like Delicious. But they are not the same Bookmarks. To find my new Bookmarks that were exported from Delicious, I clicked on More at the top of the Google home page and then the Even More link at the bottom of that list and there they were! They are easy to use and organize so THANK YOU GOOGLE! My favorites are saved!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring has sprung!

I am so ready for the winter to be over! I am ready for some new challenges. There are so many new things happening every day on the Internet. I learn something new everyday and sometimes I learn it from one of the students. One of my classes is working on a new program named Scratch, created by MIT. It involves programming, but it does it in such a way that it is lots of fun! We are creating animations and even I made a leprechaun dance! The students are much better at it than me but they tolerate me and I direct them and keep them on target. Try something new - it keeps you young!

Learn more about this project

Sunday, January 23, 2011

New year - new resolution!

I really feel the need to re-charge! I can't wait to attend the PETE & C conference in February to get energized and excited about technology again. January has been busy but you can see that I have been a little slow in blogging. I am even going to give Twitter another try. In the meanwhile, I will be visiting teachers at my school to see what technology is being used, what might be used and what I can do to help. I read on Twitter about some mini workshops being done in some schools. They remind me of some of the sessions at the conference - 60 tools in 60 minutes! We could show 60 tech uses in 60 minutes and showcase what some of the teachers are using. I am going to look into it. Don't be surprised to see me coming to ask for your help!