Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pop ups are no fun!

All of a sudden last semester, I started getting a pop-up warning every time I went on a secure website, asking about showing content or not. It happens when I use Internet Explorer and it is so annoying!!! I researched it on the Internet and I found this fix:

Try this:
1. Open Internet Explorer
2. Click on the Tools menu and Choose Internet Options (at the bottom of the list)
3. Click on the Security Tab and make sure Internet is selected.
4. Click on the button for Custom Level
5. Scroll pretty far down the list (under the Miscellaneous section). Look for Display Mixed Content.
6. Click the Enable circle.
7. Click OK and OK again.

It worked for me!

Friday, September 24, 2010

September's almost gone!

The whole month of September, I'm wishing for it to be over. Too much chaos! I always think October will be calmer, but usually I'm wrong and I already wished away another September!

I have a Word 2007 tip for you. The default spacing is set to 1.15 (where did that number come from?) and spacing is always added at the end of a paragraph. That style is called Normal! I always knew I wasn't normal (jk). To correct this, make sure you are on the Home tab, in the Styles section, click on the second Style, named No Spacing. Really! You won't believe how long it took me to find this!

I also wanted to mention that you can export your class lists into excel if you need a digital list of students to work with. Under Reports choose Class Roster and at the bottom, change the drop-down list to MS Excel instead of Report Preview.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

In the swing...

Slowly but surely, I am getting back into the routine. My classes have been great so far. Most of them feel pretty comfortable with technology. I always hope they will teach me something!

I found and interactive website to help find commands in Word 2007: It brings up a window that looks like the old Word (2003). You click on a menu, then move your mouse to the command you need and a box opens with a description of where it is in Word 2007. Cool!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

School has begun!

I don't remember ever feeling soooo tired! So far, the year looks great! Everyone is busy and motivated. I have great expectations for the technology this year. Someone mentioned a use for the laptops that I hadn't considered and it's a good idea, so here it is. Set your laptop up in the classroom and use it to take attendance. That way you can have the classroom computer on a thought for the day or daily question or problem and the SmartBoard on. Now they can be busy doing something constructive while you concentrate on the attendance!